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“Right Place”

If you are in healthcare and you need a speaker, you've come to the right place.

“Culture Change”

to make change stick, it's got to be cultural change, lead by a motivated, on-message managment team.

“One-Stop Shop

The Healthcare Speakers Bureau is your 'one-stop shop' to match you with the industry's leading keynote speakers, facilitators, and seminar leaders.

2024 Featured Healthcare Speakers

Who is HCSB

About HCSB

A Total Inspiration Solution for Healthcare Leaders If you're in healthcare and you need a speaker, you've come to the right place.
Progressive hospitals have realized that to make change stick, it's got to be cultural change, lead by a motivated, on-message management team.
The Healthcare Speakers Bureau is your 'one-stop shop' to match you with the industry's leading keynote speakers, facilitators, and seminar leaders. Planning a leadership institute or off-site retreat? ...we have the solution.

About Conference

The HealthCare Service Excellence Conference will be a great source of expert Service Excellence information. It is a gathering of all levels of staff that are focused on achieving the highest standard of customer service delivery, both to customers/patients and staff/employees.
Some take-aways include revitalize enthusiasm and momentum for your Customer and Employee Satisfaction programs. Implement high performance retention and recruitment techniques, skills, and systems. Enhance the commitment and morale of your Leadership team. Demonstrate your long-term commitment to a customer driven culture. Recognize and show appreciation for your team’s hard work and dedication via the Summit Awards program.

Healthcare Speakers Books

Who Is

Brian Lee

Brian Lee: Speaker and Owner of CLS

Brian Lee is one of North America's leading voices in the fields of Patient Satisfaction, HCAHPS, and Nurse and Employee Retention. He is a best-selling author and sought-after presenter in the healthcare industry (having presented all over North America, and 14 countries worldwide).
  His publications include "Keep Your Nurses for Life, "Satisfaction Guaranteed, and "How to Satisfy Every Customer, Every Time." In addition, he has published more than 60 audio and video training programs, including ""Essential Secrets to Become the Healthcare Employer of Choice."" As the CEO of Custom Learning Systems Group LTD, Brian and his team have led hundreds of hospitals and healthcare organizations through the journey to service excellence.
  Known as Healthcare's "Mr. Loyalty," Brian not only educates his audience on the how-to's of patient, staff, and physician loyalty (a particularly important subject in this era of HCAHPS and Value-Based Purchasing), he also inspires hope and commitment, resulting in a renewed passion for care-giving.